R for Sutta Science

Hi Ven @Jhanarato just responding to what you mentioned in the original thread - I’m a rank amateur as well so that’s good to know! And yes I was trying to build a dataset myself and because I couldn’t find a way to generate it programatically I was having to binge-read the MN so I know what you mean!

Anyway, I created a repo here with the two scripts I wrote to load and clean the data, and the two .Rda files that they produced. Unfortunately you may not be able to run the first script download-suttas.R because you need to use a Github personal access token to get more API calls. (Open to learning better software development practices to make scripts more reproducible!)

This book is a great starting point for learning how to use tidytext and the like.

Let me know what you think. Having a community of dhamma friends is a great motivator for me to keep on track with my sutta visualization projects!

I’d love to know if anyone else has been playing around with R or Python or anything else in this space.