Religion Quiz: Share Your Results

1.Mahayana Buddhism (100%)More Info
2.Taoism (99%)More Info
3.Unitarian Universalism (95%)More Info
4.Hinduism (90%)More Info
5.New Age (88%)More Info
6.Sikhism (86%)More Info
7.Jainism (84%)More Info
8.Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (84%)More Info
9.New Thought (83%)More Info
10.Theravada Buddhism (81%)More Info

Your results are scored on a curve. The highest possible score, 100%, represents the closest match to your Spiritual Belief System Selector responses. It does not mean that Mahayana Buddhism matches every one of your response to every question. Any, or a combination, of the top scoring results may closely match your expressed preferences.


Hinduism 100%
Sikhism 95%
Jainism 89%
Unitarian Universalism 79%
Neopagan 77%
Mahayana Buddhism 67%
Taoism 61%
Quaker 60%
Orthodox Judaism 53%
New Age 50%
Theravada Buddhism 49%

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Hinduism 40%
Sikhism 45%
Jainism 90%
Unitarian Universalism - Don’t know
Neopagan - Don’t know
Mahayana Buddhism 90%
Taoism 30%
Quaker - Don’t know
Orthodox Judaism 80%
Christianity 75%
Islam 70%
New Age Don’t know
Theravada Buddhism 99%

Please note that lower score means that I know very little about them as well.
When I say 99%, remember that monkies are 99.99% close to the human.

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Did you actually take the quiz and share your results or did you just make them up on your own?

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1. Taoism (100%)
2. Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (98%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (93%)
4. Theravada Buddhism (92%)
5. Secular Humanism (89%)
6. Mahayana Buddhism (83%)
7. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (79%
8. Jainism (71%)
9. Non-theist (70%)
10. Sikhism (69%)
11. Neo-Pagan (62%)
12. New Age (62%)	
13. Reform Judaism (62%)
14. Orthodox Quaker - Religious Society of Friends (60%)
15. New Thought (57%)
16. Bahai (47%)
17. Christian Science Church of Christ, Scientist (45%)
18. Hinduism (45%)
19. Scientology (42%)
20. Seventh Day Adventist (30%)
21. Islam (27%)
22. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (22%)
23. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (19%)
24. Eastern Orthodox (14%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (14%)
26. Orthodox Judaism (14%)
27. Roman Catholic (14%)

I made it up.
I will do the quiz later.

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  1. Theravada Buddhism (100%)
  2. Mahayana Buddhism (96%)
  3. Taoism (84%)
  4. Jainism (81%)
  5. Sikhism (80%)
  6. Unitarian Universalism (80%)
  7. Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (76%)
  8. Hinduism (70%)
  9. New Age (61%)
  10. Secular Humanism (57%)
  11. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (57%)
  12. Scientology (56%)
  13. Neo-Pagan (53%)
  14. New Thought (52%)
  15. Orthodox Quaker - Religious Society of Friends (46%)
  16. Reform Judaism (46%)
  17. Non-theist (44%)
  18. Christian Science Church of Christ, Scientist (44%)
  19. Bahai (39%)
  20. Seventh Day Adventist (25%)
  21. Islam (18%)
  22. Orthodox Judaism (16%)
  23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (15%)
  24. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (13%)
  25. Eastern Orthodox (10%)
  26. Jehovahs Witness (10%)
  27. Roman Catholic (10%)
  1. Theravada Buddhism (100%)
    1. Taoism (84%)
    2. Mahayana Buddhism (77%)
    3. Jainism (65%)

As with all quizzes, the value (or not) comes out of how one uses the results.

I find it interesting to see the combinations that have come out of doing the quiz.


They were oddly worded non-applicable questions!

Taoism (100%) More Info
2. Mahayana Buddhism (92%) More Info
3. Jainism (89%) More Info
4. Sikhism (87%) More Info
5. Theravada Buddhism (86%) More Info
6. Unitarian Universalism (84%) More Info
7. Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (83%) More Info
8. New Age (71%) More Info
9. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (70%) More Info
10. Neo-Pagan (70%) More Info


I have my doubts about the system used to assign affinities. Even though I love Thomas Aquinas’s philosophy, it scored me - and lots of other people it seems - very low in affinity to Catholicism. I suspect that’s because of the weight it assigns to hot button RC moral issues like abortion and divorce, rather than Catholic theology.


I also think people’s results on the quiz will differ based on how well they understand the questions and the concepts behind them. Some of the terms used are unfamiliar to the average person.


Your Complete Results:
1. Theravada Buddhism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (86%)
3. Mahayana Buddhism (84%)
4. Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (78%)
5. Taoism (74%)
6. Jainism (72%)
7. Sikhism (71%)
8. Secular Humanism (69%)
9. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (61%)
10. New Age (58%)
11. Neo-Pagan (57%)
12. Hinduism (54%)
13. Non-theist (53%)
14. Reform Judaism (52%)
15. Scientology (50%)
16. New Thought (48%)
17. Orthodox Quaker - Religious Society of Friends (47%)
18. Bahai (41%)
19. Christian Science Church of Christ, Scientist (39%)
20. Seventh Day Adventist (29%)
21. Islam (26%)
22. Orthodox Judaism (23%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (23%)
24. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (20%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (17%)
26. Jehovahs Witness (17%)
27. Roman Catholic (17%)

I was raised a Catholic. It’s fascinating to me that it is the very last one on this list.


We are similar Nadine! I also expected to rate higher for Protestantism! There you go, you can escape your past! :laughing:

1.  Theravada Buddhism (100%)				More Info
2.	Unitarian Universalism (96%)				More Info
3.	Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (92%)				More Info
4.	Mahayana Buddhism (92%)				More Info
5.	Taoism (88%)				More Info
6.	Jainism (82%)				More Info
7.	Hinduism (73%)				More Info
8.	Sikhism (73%)				More Info
9.	New Age (70%)				More Info
10.	Secular Humanism (65%)				More Info
11.	Orthodox Quaker - Religious Society of Friends (63%)				More Info
12.	Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (58%)				More Info
13.	Neo-Pagan (58%)				More Info
14.	Scientology (57%)				More Info
15.	New Thought (52%)				More Info
16.	Reform Judaism (48%)				More Info
17.	Christian Science Church of Christ, Scientist (41%)				More Info
18.	Non-theist (40%)				More Info
19.	Seventh Day Adventist (32%)				More Info
20.	Bahai (30%)				More Info
21.	Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (29%)				More Info
22.	Orthodox Judaism (23%)				More Info
23.	Islam (22%)				More Info
24.	Jehovahs Witness (21%)				More Info
25.	Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (17%)				More Info
26.	Eastern Orthodox (16%)				More Info
27.	Roman Catholic (16%)

(Background: I was raised Catholic, then was an atheist for many years.)
1. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)
2. Theravada Buddhism (98%)
3. Taoism (96%)
4. Sikhism (87%)
5. Hinduism (84%)
6. Unitarian Universalism (84%)
7. Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (83%)
8. New Age (83%)
9. Jainism (82%)
10. Neo-Pagan (77%)

  1. Unitarian Universalism (100%) More Info
  2. Jainism (98%) More Info
  3. Theravada Buddhism (91%) More Info
  4. Hinduism (81%) More Info
  5. Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (81%) More Info
  6. Secular Humanism (72%) More Info
  7. Mahayana Buddhism (72%) More Info
  8. Sikhism (71%) More Info
  9. Taoism (69%) More Info
  10. New Age (64%) More Info
  11. Non-theist (57%) More Info
  12. Orthodox Quaker - Religious Society of Friends (57%) More Info
  13. Scientology (54%) More Info
  14. Neo-Pagan (50%) More Info
  15. Seventh Day Adventist (50%) More Info
  16. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (47%) More Info
  17. Reform Judaism (47%) More Info
  18. New Thought (40%) More Info
  19. Orthodox Judaism (38%) More Info
  20. Bahai (37%) More Info
  21. Christian Science Church of Christ, Scientist (27%) More Info
  22. Eastern Orthodox (27%) More Info
  23. Islam (27%) More Info
  24. Jehovahs Witness (27%) More Info
  25. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (27%) More Info
  26. Roman Catholic (27%) More Info
  27. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (10%)

In terms of my background, I was raised Catholic, became Eastern Orthodox in high school because my father’s side of the family was Orthodox and its similarity to Catholicism, became Salvation Army after college because I was idealistic and inspired by their charitable work, then I became Unity/new age after being turned off by fundamentalist Christians in the Salvation Army.

And then, over two years ago, I became Buddhist after realizing how much of the new age movement was just a cheap imitation of Buddhism and Hinduism. I don’t regret going from Catholic to Protestant to new age, because that was my transition into Buddhism. Catholic to Buddhist would have been too big a leap.


I agree. I don’t think I could’ve transitioned from Catholic to Buddhist without having atheism in between. Does anyone here on D&D know someone who became a Buddhist straight from Catholicism?

1.	Taoism (100%)				
2.	Jainism (99%)				
3.	Mahayana Buddhism (96%)		
4.	New Age (93%)			
5.	Unitarian Universalism (88%)	
6.	Theravada Buddhism (83%)		
7.	Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (82%)		
8.	New Thought (78%)		
9.	Sikhism (77%)		
10.	Hinduism (77%)

I should have known that I’m a Taoist-Jain deep down :slight_smile:

1.	Jainism (100%)
2.	Mahayana Buddhism (98%)
3.	Taoism (96%)
4.	Theravada Buddhism (94%)
5.	Hinduism (92%)
6.	Sikhism (87%)
7.	Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (63%)
8.	Unitarian Universalism (57%)
9.	Orthodox Quaker - Religious Society of Friends (51%)
10.	Neo-Pagan (45%)

I like that all the major spiritual lineages from India are in the top 10 in my results. Fun quiz. :slight_smile:

  1. Theravada Buddhism (100%)
  2. Taoism (88%)
  3. Mahayana Buddhism (87%)
  4. Unitarian Universalism (85%)
  5. Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (81%)
  6. Secular Humanism (68%)
  7. Jainism (66%)
  8. New Age (63%)
  9. New Thought (60%)
  10. Scientology (60%)
  11. Hinduism (58%)
  12. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (58%)
  13. Neo-Pagan (58%)
  14. Sikhism (58%)
  15. Christian Science Church of Christ, Scientist (53%)
  16. Orthodox Quaker - Religious Society of Friends (51%)
  17. Reform Judaism (49%)
  18. Non-theist (44%)
  19. Bahai (36%)
  20. Seventh Day Adventist (23%)
  21. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (22%)
  22. Islam (20%)
  23. Jehovahs Witness (17%)
  24. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (16%)
  25. Orthodox Judaism (13%)
  26. Eastern Orthodox (5%)
  27. Roman Catholic (5%)