Report bugs for the new site here! šŸ›

So thatā€™s good, Google likes us.

This is a sutta card. It gives you all the information that SC has for this sutta.

There is no English translation for this suttaā€”see the original post. Translations in other languages are available from the dropdown at the bottom of the card.

The down-pointing arrow expands to show the other menu items.

Not sure what you are referring to here. On the old site, the menu indicated the text ā€œdivisionsā€ by nikaya etc. On the current site it is exactly the same, except:

  1. The menu is in the sidebar
  2. The items are reordered a little.
  3. You can navigate to any level of the hierarchy.

There has never been direct access to suttas from the menu.

Yes, we are working to improve this.

Just do mn2 without a space, it will give better results for now, but we will also fix this.

Also, if you know the ID of the sutta you want, just write it in the URL. That is by far the fastest and most effective way!

Any of the green links in the hierarchy are clickable. So if you want to open the whole of the Majjhima Nikaya, just like in the old site, you can. (Itā€™s not a good idea for SN and AN, though!) But, unlike the old site, we also offer the ability to navigate through the hierarchy.