Resources for Climate Change Trauma

Great point! (And love the username description. VERY STRANGELY AND UNUSUALLY i dreamt last night about avant garde jazz. Now I see this, am I still dreaming?)

(Further apologies for off-topicness, will stop now.)

As I mentioned in my previous post, my messages are open if anyone wants to talk about climate trauma.

In Sydney, you can check out Subhana’s work at the Zen Center, she does climate-focused sessions.

You can check out my Youtube channel.

And also writings by myself and Ven Akaliko:

My main focus is on resilience through wisdom: if we understand what is going on we feel less threatened. I think it’s critical to allow grief and trauma to be heard; it is a rational response. If you’re in a hurry to get rid of them, they’ll be in a hurry to come back.

The first thing I did on climate change, albeit indirectly, was my illustrated book Beginnings with its accompanying essay.

You can find a Buddhist climate change action kit from ARRC here:

This was mostly put together by Annie Keating.