Sayalays banned from using almsbowl

Sorry for bringing my five cents into the discussion, but if you look at the history of the Siladhara order, it is indeed quite heartbreaking, and the imbalance of power there was rather obvious, I’m afraid. The problems ran much more deeper than serving a glass of juice on one’s knees.

@AnagarikaMichael I remember how shocked I was when I read for the first time about a Bhikkhu fanning the Buddha. To some extent I think this shock came about because of my cultural expectations and societal norms I am accustomed to. So, on the one hand, as long as the monks have to stand on their knees handing a glass of juice to the Venerable, it is okay. On the other hand, it may be a good reason to discuss whether certain norms of the monastic etiquette could be changed because of the different social environment in the Western countries and modern Asian countries: what should be left untouched, what could be revised and what should be a matter of communal or personal choice. In some respect, this discussion will be closely connected to a possible discussion about the Vinaya in general and how strict and which Vinaya rules should and can be applied in what contexts.

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