SC Next: Introduction to Abhidhamma

Thanks for writing those Ab introductions Bhante, it definitely is very useful and helpful. I had long been desiring a brief summary of the different schools of Ab to get a quick survey of their chief differences and commonality.

Although I agree the Ab intro is probably not the place to dive into the problems and contradictions between EBT and Theravada Orthodoxy, I think somewhere on SC, easily seen and accessible, there should be at least some brief description and links to articles that at least address the contradictions on major doctrinal points.

Just as potent medicine bottles have child proof caps to prevent opening, and bottles containing poison has a graphic of skull and cross bones, potentially dangerous scripture on SC should have some kind of warning label, and a brief explanation of why that dangerous material is there.

As SC is right now, the inclusion of Ab, Jataka Tales and other non EBT portions of KN, gives the impression they’re not incompatible with the EBT. The intro to AB, also gives the impression for the uninitiated that Abhidhamma is a harmless interpretation of EBT from a later period with non-pernicious innovations.