School shootings in US

Usually, its “I want to be famous” as tragic as that sounds.

In my highschool there was a kid who was prevented from knifing a few kids at school he wanted to kill. He constantly read books and watched TV shows about serial killers and terrorists, idolizing them in a creepy way. Anyone who did massive violence he idolized.

I’m glad I don’t live in the States. He could have easily gotten automatic weapons there.

He is political. If you listen to the news interview you would see that. That he was even interviewed by Carlson is political. He is the “go-to” psychologist for the right. This is reality

And his scientific credentials? He’s a psychologist! Listen to the CBC radio clip. That isn’t science.

On a Buddhist site I would be more interested in hearing Buddhist thinkers/thought. That’s just me though.