Sea levels will rise with 65cm by 2100

As food for thought I would like bring to attention this chart:

Source: Energy Flow Charts

To revert or stall the sea level rise we have to address the three elephants in the room: the roles of natural gas, coal and petroleum in the current global energy flows (blue, black and green in the chart above).

Anthropogenic Climate change is a by product of our specie’s addiction to energy. Our tangible and intangible production systems are more than ever heavily dependent of someone somewhere burning something to spin a generator 24/7.

Mind yourselves that large scale renewable infrastructure only help slowing down the growth in the consumption of those things and in the big picture do not necessarily drive it down.

The number one priority of any climate action initiative should be therefore to find ways to bring about the innovation and paradigm change needed to allow humankind to gradually but steadily give up this addiction or at least bring maybe one day to zero the contribution of fossil fuels.

I personally doubt we will see any material progress to that end in the next 50 years or so! (nevertheless I voluntarily gave up driving!)

How do we, western Buddhists contribute to this? To answer that, let’s pick the case of someone who flies from London to Perth (WA) to take a retreat in Jhana Grove. The estimated emission of a economy class return flight is 5.9 tons, that is equivalent to 256 times the amount of carbon emitted in a 100 km drive to let’s say a retreat center or quiet setting located somewhere in the English countryside! :open_mouth:

Amazing isn’t it?!

Isn’t there potential to provide Buddhist community more encouragement towards pursuing stable and solid practice locally / at home and/or in a decentralized way, potentially with remotely transmitted instructions or use of recorded teachings as their guide?

Anyone interested in understanding better the maths of the thing may check these links:

Note: Much of the above was shared originally in the post below.
