Sīla, a Base for a Happy Mind?

See here for an answer that tries to explain the difference between guilt (which is non-virtuous) and regret (which can be virtuous if it is directed at non-virtuous actions) from my perspective.

This is an excellent question! Not only is it excellent, but it is absolutely necessary and imperative that each sentient being really analyze and understand for themselves the answer to this question or so it seems to me.

The only way we can ever hope to overcome and finally defeat the enemies of aggression, greed, hate, and violence is to truly understand them and know them for what they are. My teacher has recommended to examine this very question on many occasions; to become familiar with it and to analyze and apply it to my own life and experience; what has come from my actions motivated by aggression, greed, hatred, violence? Has happiness resulted for myself or others? Has suffering resulted? Mixed? What is the case here?

Take your own actions and experiences and really analyze this; break it down and see if it really is the case that actions motivated by hatred have had any positive or beneficial results for yourself or others. If you discover an instance where you think this is the case; an action that fits the bill; ask yourself if it is possible that whatever benefit resulted, did it only really come about from the necessary and sufficient motivation of hatred? Like that.

I can’t say that I know that anger for instance always leads to harm and never leads to benefit for myself and others, but I can tell you that through analysis and careful thought it is my strong, strong, strong hypothesis that this is the case. I am not omniscient so it is not possible for me to know that all actions motivated by anger have had nothing but harmful results, but I can say that I have not found an instant where this isn’t the case in my own analysis and memory. I can’t think of a single time where my anger was virtuous and helped me or others in a beneficial way.


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