SN5.10 next button goes to SN11.1 (English only)

I was just reading the Bhikkhuni samyutta in English and noticed that clicking the ‘next’ arrow on the english version of SN5.10 takes you to SN11.1
’This is Mara the Evil One’, obviously!

If I click ‘next’ in the Pāli, it correctly takes me to SN6.1

With metta


Thanks for pointing this out. At this stage, we’ll probably leave errors in the old site and hope that it will be magically fixed in the new version!

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No worries. I will restrain my fault finding :wink:

Please fault find all you like! Things relating to content will still be fixed. And even things in the site, it’s good to know, because sometimes errors might continue in the new site.


Does the new firewall deal with this, I wonder!

With metta

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