Sotapatti - hugh, what is it good for?

I came across a rather inspiring video recently posted on Dharmaoverground by Daniel Ingram:

My friend Richard, a lay practitioner with a remarkable retreat resume over a very long period of time, has died of lung cancer, passing at home while attended by his family.

He was a deep and profound practitioner though generally quiet and very humble about his remarkable attainments and insights.

Not long ago, we did a video interview in which he talks about what is like to be dying while yet quite awake:

The video is often quite humorous and light-hearted (in spite of the context). It starts off with a discussion of his experiences with lung cancer but then goes into quite a varied account of his practice and related experiences over the years (all kinds of topics are touched upon, e.g. Dhammaruwan and jhana at different points). It seemed like he was quite a low key kind of guy (not hugely liking attention) but he obviously had put in a huge amount of sitting time on the cushion. Wasn’t sure where to post this here, but I recalled that there was some stream entry experiences described in this rather old thread, and there’s one recounted in this video too. Dharmaoverground has a somewhat idiosyncratic understanding of such experiences, but the practice career described in the video seemed fairly classical and mainstream to me. Anyway, I thought it was a rather beautiful interview.

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