Study Strategies For Reading All Of The Suttas In The Pali Cannon

2 posts were split to a new topic: Using Mnemonics in sutta study

hi @Jhana4

how about the following guide to read:


Update: 2022 August 15:

  • goal: A casual walk through of the Sutta Pitaka just to see what is there.
  • started 2022 May 15
  • using the checklist.
  • 140 items checked off

Ive been reading the Suttas initially really fast almost daily with some of the more difficult suttas to understand being just read for the sake of reading. I started with DN>MN>SN (Still on SN).

With the more difficult suttas I would search them up on Youtube to see if there are any monks explaining them and listen to those.

But I’ve slowed down my reading pace and read for enjoyment and meaning than just getting it done. I would also recommend establishing a daily meditation sitting while practicing mindfulness throughout the day and just listening to your mind and how thoughts come about.

The Suttas hit a lot more differently when you reflect on things in your day to day life.

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2022 May 15: Started
2022 Aug 15: 140 suttas checked off
2022 Nov 15: 250 suttas checked off

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2022 May 15: Started
2022 Aug 15: 140 suttas checked off
2022 Nov 15: 250 suttas checked off
2023 Feb 15: 390 suttas checked off

After I first created this thread people asked me in private a few times how my project to read the suttas was going. So, I have been posting occasional updates. The latest:

I finished the Long Discourses.


I decided to read all of the suttas.

After I created this thread people have contacted me in private to ask me how I was doing.

Every 3 months I have been posting an update to this thread about my progress.

The latest update is below.

As of today. Monday 2023 May 15 it has been 1 year since I started with the Daily Sutta service.

I have read 528 suttas, which includes completing The Long Discourses.

A few of the thoughts that other people have shared in this thread I have thought about over again and again over the past year. Thanks again to those people!

In addition to continuing with the Daily Sutta service in the new year I am going to aim for finishing the Middle Length Discourses and whittling down the Anguttara Nikaya as much as I can.


Year 1:
2022 May 15: Started
2022 Aug 15: 140 suttas checked off
2022 Nov 15: 250 suttas checked off
2023 Feb 15: 390 suttas checked off
2023 May 15: 528 suttas checked off


I decided to read all of the suttas.

People messaged me several times to ask me how my progress is going so I thought I would update this thread every so often with my progress.

I finished the Long Discourses, I am over half done with Middle Length Discourses, and using The Daily Sutta service by email I have read 632 suttas so far.

Year 1:
2022 May 15: Started
2022 Aug 15: 140 suttas checked off
2022 Nov 15: 250 suttas checked off
2023 Feb 15: 390 suttas checked off
2023 May 15: 528 suttas checked off

Year 2:
2023 May 15: Started
2023 Aug 15: 632 suttas checked off


Congratulations, keep going!

I know I am replying very late from the first post about sutta study suggestions.

What I think is good thing to do would be to keep pen/paper handy and

  1. record which suttas deal with which certain topic, ex: aggregates.

For example:
aggregates: Suttas a,b,c.
sense-spheres: Suttas d,e,f

  1. Record which suttas that you don’t understand so that you can return to them later and see if your understanding has improved.

  2. Record which suttas you think are really interesting ones.


Thank you!

Got all of that covered in the notes I’ve been making in Google Docs. :pray:

I decided to read all of the suttas.

People messaged me several times to ask me how my progress is going, so I thought I would update this thread every 3 months with my progress…

I finished the Long Discourses, I have read 117 of the 153 Middle Length Discourses, and using The Daily Sutta service by email I have read 805 suttas so far.

Year 1:
2022 May 15: Started
2022 Aug 15: 140 suttas checked off
2022 Nov 15: 250 suttas checked off
2023 Feb 15: 390 suttas checked off
2023 May 15: 528 suttas checked off

Year 2:
2023 May 15: Started
2023 Aug 15: 632 suttas checked off
2024 Nov 15: 805 suttas checked off


Another 3 months has passed.

Time to update this thread again.

When I created this thread people asked me to let them know how I was doing with my goal to read all of the suttas. I decided to read one(ish) a day and keep it light, fun, etc …

I’ve been keeping notes of what I read in Google docs. I have a file where I save my favorites and suttas I want to go back to. Otherwise I try to compartmentalize my notes by topic.

I’ve used the sutta-a-day-by-email service and I have done other readings on my own in addition to that.

Long Discourses: done.
Middle Length Discourses: 138/152 done

I’ve got sizeable chunks of the other nikayas done too.

My grand total as of today is 920 suttas read.

Year 1:
2022 May 15: Started
2022 Aug 15: 140 suttas checked off
2022 Nov 15: 250 suttas checked off
2023 Feb 15: 390 suttas checked off
2023 May 15: 528 suttas checked off

Year 2:
2023 May 15: Started
2023 Aug 15: 632 suttas checked off
2024 Nov 15: 805 suttas checked off
2024 Feb 15: 920 suttas checked off

1 Like

Two years have passed since I started my goal of reading the entire Sutta Pitaka.

People periodically ask me how it is going, so I update this thread every 3 months.

This is where I am in that quest:

Collection Status
Digha Nikaya done
Majjhima Nikaya done
Anguttara Nikaya 3 of 11 books done

Year 1:
2022 May 15: Started
2022 Aug 15: 140 suttas checked off
2022 Nov 15: 250 suttas checked off
2023 Feb 15: 390 suttas checked off
2023 May 15: 528 suttas checked off

Year 2:
2023 May 15: Started
2023 Aug 15: 632 suttas checked off
2024 Nov 15: 805 suttas checked off
2024 Feb 15: 1020 suttas checked off
2024 May 15: 1143 suttas checked off

A shout out to which is also celebrating a 2 year anniversary today. I signed up 2 years ago when they started their sutta-a-day by email service and that gave me my start with daily sutta readings.

My goal for Year 3 is to finish the Anguttara Nikaya.

I will be picking up my pace from 1ish sutta a day to the lightening fast pace of 3 suttas a day.

See you all in a few months.