Suboptimal external links to BPS


I noticed that in many of Bikkhu Bodhi’s texts (perhaps in all texts originally published by the Buddhist Publication Society), the link to the source on the BPS website is a PDF of the cover of the book and not the text itself. I think it would be significantly more useful to either link out to the reference page for the book on the BPS site or to link directly to the text pdf.

For example, on this sutta translation by Bikkhu Bodhi, if you go to the info icon in the top right, the link to the source is “Complete book available from Buddhist Publication Society” which is a PDF of only the cover page.

I was able to find the source using the search functionality here (using the title in the cover PDF) and get to the reference page for the book which has links to the pdf (and occasionally, epub and other formats).

I would suggest, changing to links from the cover pdf to the reference page because you can do it simply by using the book id in the search url like so:
Current link on SuttaCentral:
New link: **Select document format

Note: I did a quick search on GitHub to see if I could find these links (I assumed the text for this website was stored like that of a static site) to submit some pull requests but was unable to find the URLs at least using the GitHub search. If it is possible for me to make/suggest these changes on GitHub and you would like me to help, please let me know.

Thank you,


I believe you have to search the sc-data repo:

With the BPS changing there website completely from time to time, I recommend removing the link. Google, or whatever comes next should be good enough for people to find it in the future. Or perhaps

Now that I’m at a computer, I clicked on that link and it actually doesn’t go to a pdf of the cover. It goes to the book page on their website:

Are you getting something different?

Now, the link on that page to the online version is broken. Which is sub optimal, but that’s the fault of the BPS.

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Tbh I’m inclined to leave as is. At least it goes to the bps website so people can see what they have.

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@Snowbird, that pdf only has the cover and is a dead end with no link to the actual text. The url itself says “cover” so I think this must have been added accidentally and is not a broken link.

I found only 3 BPS links pointing to the cover page and about 100 pointing to either the BPS homepage or the BPS store for a paid print book. Either way, it’s still possible to navigate from the home page or the store to the free PDF.

I’ve submitted a pull request to fix the link for the three that pointed to the cover page here: fix links to point to download page (used to point to cover page) by MinuraSilva · Pull Request #244 · suttacentral/sc-data · GitHub

I have no idea what you are clicking on. I don’t get directed to a PDF at all. That link, is to a web page, not a PDF. Could you have some browser plugin that is doing something strange?

I agree that the page the link goes to is not great. But it doesn’t take me to a pdf. Could you perhaps upload the pdf here? Just so we are all talking about the same thing?