Suicide Cases in the Suttas and the "authenticity"(early/late etc) of the texts

Indeed. Which is why I will choose to be fearless and make the stupid decision to publicly engage the renowned Vinaya and Ethics scholar, Ajahn @Brahmali, on this point.

Yes, as I quoted already from SN35.87, the Buddha’s nuance is that suicide is blameworthy if and only if you’re not enlightened. That is the nuance.

Now, unless you have a text critical rationale for questioning the authenticity of SN35.87 (or have an alternative reading for this rather straightforward statement by the Buddha), I think it’s rather dishonest to just wave your hands and say “it’s nuanced” without clarifying that the “nuance” only extends to ariya.

Yes! Which is precisely why we need to seperate compassion for those suffering from justifying the act.

Now this really is a place for naunce. It’s difficult and challenging to get right, even when you want to say the right things. The media, teachers, even psychologists not to mention religious leaders get this wrong all the time. But it costs lives when we get the details here wrong.

Yes we need to be comfortable talking about suicide. Yes we need to be comfortable talking with people who are suicidal. Yes we need to normalize and destigmatize suicidal thoughts and the people who have them.

But we should absolutely not normalize the act itself.

Language that presents suicide as a way to find peace or solve problems glorifies the act and kills people.