Survey: What filters would you like for šŸ” search?

OK, done:

And you have a filter for that already, no?

Not yet. But it sounds like it will get approved.

I guess because I have so little understanding how search result ranking would work that filters are my go to solution.

Iā€™m also trying to think about the day when all the texts on SC are eventually translated and there are even more results than ever coming back.

Through more testing I am seeing that there are lots of ā€œcollectionsā€ that exist but donā€™t work. For example, Chinese Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma. But even once it is working, its ID is lzh-sarv-ab, which seems like a lot to type. Perhaps the SERP page UI improvement will make it easier to narrow searches without having to type them in every time.

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It would be useful to me to have a shortcut to only search the most recently available translation of each root text. E.g. the Sujato Suttas, Brahmali Vinaya, and either the Sujato or Rhys Davids Abhiddhamma. If thatā€™s not a filterable feature, then just a shortcut for Brahmali or Sujato would be good.

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I actually thought about that. Iā€™m not sure if we have that data. I donā€™t think publication date is uniformly represented. For example, There have been a bunch of newly added translations by Ven. Nyanamoli That are actually more than 60 years old. So Iā€™m not sure if people would consider them ā€œnewā€. If we did use that data in some way, perhaps it would be more suitable for the way results are ranked. Perhaps you could add that idea to that thread.

That we have!! in:sujato and in:brahmali. It should work for all translators. You have to use their translator ID, which can be found in the url of their translations.

We do have the year for most translations:

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Yeah, I donā€™t really trust those numbers, though. (but I had forgotten about their prominence on the site) For example the Nyanamoli translation (assuming that was a screen shot from Kp9) is from Wheel publication #7. Iā€™m sure that was first published long before 1984. Wheel #4 was first published in 1961. And Ven. Nyanamoli died in 1960. So dating it 24 years after the translator could have possibly translated it seems dodgy.

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Maybe that should be a GitHub Issue? :wink:

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The date of a translation is kind of a sketchy thing. Should it be the date of publication? First publication? Last? From where it was found to be published here? My thinking is that itā€™s such a loose concept that it might not be a good way to filter or sort.

BTW, for @Pasanna and others have brought up good ideas on UI, it appears that Bhante S is considering something else to be done in the future as mentioed in this comment.

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So, reading back through this thread, it doesnā€™t seem like people have a lot of specific ideas for collection grouping.

Anyone else want to add any ideas before I try to summarize?

Hello, everyone.

Thatā€™s a great survey. Thank you ven @Snowbird for bringing it up. And thank you @HongDa for improvements.

It might be that my suggestions about filters more on the grouping and sorting side of the already produced search results. But these are also some kind of filters after all.

Here is an example with Kuį¹­hār search results on (partial match)į¹­hār

And the same search on

#1 imo this grouping like I did on looks more user friendly and helping to work with search results. While output on suttacentral is fine for 13 texts. if there will be 50+ texts or more itā€™ll almost become unmanagable to make any desicions which texts might help more then other.

#2 The other big thing for the user is results aggregated by words. That can be a very important feature for the partial match search.

#3 is really minor but can be crucial for user. Showing variants of the word like
In the part ā€œVariants for Kuį¹­hārā€

Ps i gave test links for fdg. If youā€™ll see some tech info or errors please donā€™t mind. I just wanted to show the output that might improve the search result visualization for user on

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Thanks for the ideas! Maybe you could copy that into the thread dedicated to sorting search results:

Youā€™re Welcome. Done.

I just wanted to clarify that it might be helpful to have a shortcut for Brahmali or Sujato, similar to your proposed shortcut ā€œin:ffnā€ something like ā€œin:mrtā€ (most recent translation) serving as a shortcut for the longer ā€œauthor:sujato OR author:brahmaliā€

Itā€™s not a big deal, but it might be nice to have.

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I also like the idea of being able to strip out all those old translations from searches. Iā€™m not sure, though, how that could be defined technically. As I mentioned above, the publish date on a translation is not reliable. And simply restricting to Bhante Sujato and Bhante Brahmali will exclude other new translations. And of course that wouldnā€™t help for non-English translations. Limiting to segmented translations (aka Bilara aka Pali-English side by side) would ensure only new translations were searched, but it would exclude some new translations that are added as legacy text.

I do like the idea, though. Thanks!

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Hi all

If we could search for specific books, that would be great, e.g. Cullavagga or Mahavagga in the Vinaya.

Is there a place on SC where the contents of books like these are listed? So, if one was searching for something on the topic of ā€˜going forthā€™ in the Vinaya, one could know to go to the first Khandhaka in Mahavagga.

There is this list online:
Vinaya - Khandhaka

I searched for Vin ii 286:

0 results for volpage: Vin ii 286

I searched for Mahakhandhaka in a search, with no vinaya results.

best wishes

There is this:

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yes, thatā€™s good

I tried Mahakhandhaka in a search, with no vinaya results. :frowning:

best wishes