Sutta Nipāta translated by Bhikkhu Sujato—English & Pali-English—Free

Indeed, the whole ebook universe is really geared towards novels, and because novels have almost zero formatting, usually it’s a non-issue.

I have worked on the file and “physically” removed the Pali. Now the only remaining problem is that there are no spaces between the verses because, again, that’s done through css.

Please try to download now.

Just guessing, but perhaps both apps use the same rendering code under the hood. You will probably have more consistent results if you use an app powered by Adobe’s rendering agent, or even one by Google. But I understand the reluctance of using those.

We haven’t had a thread about epub readers in a while, so I think I will start one.

Again, thanks for reporting and sorry for the trouble.

EDIT: For anyone coming across this thread in the future and is wondering what is going on, the bilara html output uses a language tag like lang="pli". This is totally valid html. However some readers don’t recognize span:lang(pli) in the css. Again, it’s totally valid css and valid for use in epub files. But free reader apps can choose what they do and don’t want to support.