SuttaCentral Voice Assistant

Partially split over the other recent thread, I’m afraid we have another crossed-wire. Many apologies. I’ll pull everything here so as to streamline:

And from this thread:

In today’s dev meeting I mentioned your spectacular progress with SCV, and also raised the above points of discussion.

I have to confess I haven’t followed every single step of SCV’s production very closely and when I casually mentioned “while it’s not something for you will directly take care of yourself, you are building in capacity for different languages to be added” in the quote above I had the vague notion that the plan was something along the lines of building in the capacity to add additional languages in the future, and accidentally/from ignorance gave premature indication that this might be immanently on the cards.

Deeply mired in technical ignorance, I took your reply as a sign that, in fact, non-English language support could be considered on the sooner side, and didn’t stop to think about the available data sets. In today’s meeting it came up that as SC’s legacy texts are now deprecated, any new things being built around SC should be emphatically encouraged to exclusively utilize segmented texts. These in turn, are currently only available in English (we do, however, already have some translation teams working on that and yet other’s waiting to get started once the dev team has built SC’s new translation engine). Many apologies for the confusion (I’d also like to extend that to @Gabriel_L and @Marco here in connection to the other thread).

In other news…

Nice strategy, I also wondered it I could try to do that, but then considered that it was likely that blind people have a whole set of navigation skills and processes that I just don’t have a clue about and that my ‘simulation’ would be to try and do what I’d do as a sighted person rather than rely on perhaps other sense-wisdom I haven’t developed.

It may not yield anything, but I can make a dedicated post calling for a tester if you’d like (even though this is an extremely gripping tale of production adventure, perhaps it’s only a dedicated bunch that keep track of this thread)? I can maybe even look to see if there are any obvious groups to approach?

Well, let us just say it is wonderful that we have several options in SCV!

Would you believe, this is one of the many surprise benefits of having previously tried (but alas failed) to learn Finnish. The difference between the long and short letter sounds is present there, too, and so actually feels quite natural to me.

That’s a most lovely vision. By and by, I will endeavour to do my bit!

Yup, one of the most advanced skills there is, as far as I can tell!

I also asked this above, and learned that the best way to do it at the moment is to select the settings you’d like and then bookmark the tab and open SCV via that.