SuttaCentral Voice Assistant

Case in point: (and Karl this is a casual question out of curiosity not something to pause on at all) As promised I switched on the option to read both Pali and English. Just now listening to a sutta, I noticed that Raveena’s voice seemed noticeably smoother than Aditi’s. Is this because of the speed setting, or is it just that the AMZ Polly voices have different textural qualities, or something else?


  • The pronunciation of “marriages”; Raveena (example: DN1, Bodhi, 6/21, 61/94).
  • Hilariously, :) (as per: (He recalls:) ‘Then I… ) is read as “smile”; Raveena (example: DN1, Bodhi, 7/21, 7/20).
  • The pronunciation of “lives” in certain cases; Raveena (example: DN1, Bodhi, 7/21, 7/20 - I guess this is a really tricky one to get correct for).
  • The pronunciation of “Almighty”; Raveena (example: DN1, Bodhi, 8/21, 7/25).
  • The pronunciation of “unsatisfactoriness”; Raveena (example: DN1, Bodhi, 8/21, 24/25).
  • The pronunciation of “rationalist”, and “investigations” (I think Raveena, might be keen for us to start non-English support with French :wink: ); Raveena (example: DN1, Bodhi, 9/21, 12/14).
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