SuttaCentral Voice v1.0.0 Released šŸ˜

This is all such wonderful stuff! :heart_eyes:

I havenā€™t been following posts in the last couple of days very closely, but just in case itā€™s relevant I wanted to highlight something that came up in conversation a little earlier in SCVā€™s development, starting from this post:

and in particular Karlā€™s response that:

As a result we, roughly speaking, concluded that because people might use SCV to help them learn Pali, it was worth investing time to get Aditiā€™s pronunciation as good as possible. However, with English corrections we only felt that, at least while there are still many other important things to work on, it would only be worth doing pronunciation corrections on words where there might be some genuine misunderstanding about what is being said (eg. a listener might realistically think the reader has said another word), or maybe where it is significant enough (eg. a word used very often) to disrupt listening.