SuttaCentral Voice picks The End of the World!

Okay Ven. @Akaliko! We’re taking up the cleaning challenge (and @Aminah joined the les gilets jaunes to protest for a clean End of the World)!


I thought we had agreed that the world has already ended in another timeline and therefore there is no need for cleaning? That’s the approach I’ve been taking… How disappointing then to find out that now we need to clean up the world before it ends! But I suppose it makes sense, the least we can do after the all the Earth has done for us is give it a quick once over before it all falls apart.

Things have certainly taken a Wappy revolutionary turn at Tilorien. I’m inspired by your florouescent outfits and shall ask Bhante Sujato if we can adopt a similar colour scheme for our robes/placards.

But in all seriousness, sadhu for taking up the world cleaning challenge! :pray: