"SuttaCentral, what is the root of suffering?"

Oh my! Thank you so much for this opportunity to practice my compassion skills. Although in many respects it would be a blessing to have to job of just reading 7533 suttas, I did nevertheless feel for poor old Voice and wondered how I might lighten it’s load.

A quotation wrapped search phrase (“root of suffering”) was my best answer; just a humble 13 results. Of course then, typically, knowing that translations of things vary, I’d want to try to isolate the Pali phrase (which, incidentally, is why I still continue to plead with the devas to look favourably on the sticky settings feature request), but as it’s such a short list here, maybe it’s okay to leave it at that. :slight_smile:

Oh and,

:heart_eyes: discovering grep was one of the greatest highlights of my year last year … alas, I’ve completely forgotten how to use it now… still, off I float away to fond dreamy memories :wink: