Suttas on kindness in meditation

Dear Ajahn @sujato, @Brahmali, and all kind-hearted people here,

I’m looking for a succinct quote (2- 3 sentences) from a sutta to express the idea that ‘kindness and compassion in your meditation is powerful’.

Thank you so very much.

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From the Aṅguttara Nikāya, 11:16

Bhikkhus, when the heart-deliverance of loving kindness is maintained in being, made much of, used as one’s vehicle, used as one’s foundation, established, consolidated, and properly managed, then eleven blessings can be expected. What are the eleven?

One sleeps in comfort; one wakes in comfort; one dreams no evil dreams; one is dear to human beings; one is dear to non-human beings; the gods guard one; no fire or poison or weapon harms one; one’s mind can be quickly concentrated; the expression of one’s face is serene; one dies without falling into confusion; and, even if one fails to penetrate any further, one will pass on to the world of High Divinity, to the Brahma world.


From the Itivuttaka, Sutta 27

Bhikkhus, whatever kinds of worldly merit there are, all are not worth one sixteenth part of the heart-deliverance of loving kindness; in shining and beaming and radiance the heart-deliverance of loving kindness far excels them.

Just as whatever light there is of stars, all is not worth one sixteenth part of the moon’s; in shining and beaming and radiance the moon’s light far excels it; and just as in the last month of the rains, in the autumn when the heavens are clear, the sun as it climbs the heavens drives all darkness from the sky with its shining and beaming and radiance; and just as, when night is turning to dawn, the morning star is shining and beaming and radiating; so too, whatever kinds of worldly merit there are, all are not worth one sixteenth part of the heart-deliverance of loving kindness; in shining and beaming and radiance the heart-deliverance of loving kindness far excels them.

Or you can do your own research:

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To clarify for us, are you asking about using compassion/kindness to yourself as a general “strategy” in meditation, such as doing breath meditation but also treating any sort of physical sensations or thoughts with kindness? Or are you asking specifically about the meditations of metta and karuna brahmavihara?

These will be helpful either way I hope:


“If, mendicants, a mendicant develops the heart’s release by love or compassion even as long as a finger-snap, they are called a mendicant who does not lack absorption, who follows the Teacher’s instructions, who responds to advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms in vain. How much more so those who make much of it!”


The Realized One loves kindness and delights in it, so this thought often occurs to him: ‘Through this behavior, I shall not hurt any creature firm or frail.’


“Once upon a time, mendicants, Sakka, lord of gods, guiding the gods of the Thirty-Three, recited this verse:

‘Don’t let anger be your master,
don’t get angry at angry people.
Kindness and harmlessness
are always present in the noble ones.
For anger crushes bad people
like a mountain.’

Thank you both for trying to help.

Apologies for being unclear about my request.

I’m looking for a short quote from a sutta that can be an epigram of a book or a chapter of a book the main content of which is ‘kindness and compassion is important to good meditation’.

For instance, I use this epigram for a chapter on right samadhi leading to insights.

“When there is right stillness,
one who has fulfilled right stillness
has fulfilled the vital condition for true knowledge and vision.”
– MN 68

This is a beautiful quote. If I can’t find a quote to show that kindness is a key to good meditation, then I will use this one. :slight_smile:



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I know that AN1.495 -547 describes how the minds abilities, qualities, must all be developed together. For example, the power of wisdom must be developed together with metta (and other Brahma Vihara’s), with jhana etc.

Also in mahayana this is very much emphasized. One must not rely on the power of wisdom alone. It must all be developed together.

In the end of this serie of sutta’s it is said, If one does this….that mendicant is called a mendicant who does not lack absorption, who follows the Teacher’s instructions, who responds to advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms in vain. How much more so those who make much of it!”

I feel this shows it is crucial.

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Sīlaparibhāvito samādhi mahapphalo hoti mahānisaṃso.

“Stillness fortified with kindness has great results and is very beneficial.”



Wouldn’t this have to be mettaparibhāvito samādhi?

Thank you so much. :sunflower:

Thank you so much :sunflower:

Dear Ajahn,

Thank you very much, ka :pray:

I wish I could attend your retreat at the end of this month, but my hubby Terry will be there. He will bother you with questions on my behalf :grin: :grinning: :laughing:


Yeah, that would be closer in meaning. Unfortunately there is no such statement in the suttas.


“Mendicants, you can expect eleven benefits when the heart’s release by love has been cultivated, developed, and practiced, made a vehicle and a basis, kept up, consolidated, and properly implemented.

What eleven?

You sleep at ease. You wake happily. You don’t have bad dreams. Humans love you. Non-humans love you. Deities protect you. You can’t be harmed by fire, poison, or blade. Your mind quickly enters immersion. Your face is clear and bright. You don’t feel lost when you die. If you don’t penetrate any higher, you’ll be reborn in a Brahmā realm.

You can expect eleven benefits when the heart’s release by love has been cultivated, developed, and practiced, made a vehicle and a basis, kept up, consolidated, and properly implemented.”


You’d perhaps have to abbreviate a bit in order to have a short statement. Or paraphrase it, like

When the heart’s release by love has been cultivated, developed, and practiced, made a vehicle and a basis, kept up, consolidated, and properly implemented, you can expect that your mind quickly enters immersion.

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Thank you so much :pray: :sunflower:


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