Suttas the words of the buddha?

Malcolm Eckel has translated chapters 4 and 5 in his Bhāviveka and His Buddhist Opponents. I think these are probably the most interesting chapters for those who don’t have any especial interest in the Madhyamaka.

Here are the chapter contents of the whole work:

Exposition of Bhāviveka’s own view

  1. Not giving up the mind of awakening (bodhicittāparityāga)
  2. Taking the vow of an ascetic (munivratasamāśraya)
  3. Seeking the knowledge of reality (tattvajñānaiṣaṇā)

Critiques of the views of non-Madhyamaka Buddhists

  1. Introduction to the analysis of reality according to the Śrāvakas (śrāvakatattvaviniścayāvatāra)
  2. Introduction to the analysis of reality according to the Yogācāras (yogācāratattvaviniścayāvatāra)

Critiques of four Hindu darśanas

  1. Introduction to reality according to the Sāṃkhyas (sāṃkhyatattvāvatāra)
  2. Analysis of reality according to the Vaiśeṣikas (vaiśeṣikatattvaviniścaya)
  3. Analysis of reality according to the Vedānta (vedāntatattvaviniścaya)
  4. Introduction to the analysis of reality according to the Mīmāṃsā (mīmāṃsātattvanirṇayāvatāra)

Critique of the Jains

  1. Exposition of the realization of omniscience (sarvajñatāsiddhinirdeśa)

Four verses in praise of the Buddha

  1. Exposition of praise and characteristics (stutilakṣaṇanirdeśa)