Testing readability of sutta translations

I agree that readability is very important. My personal impression is that Bhikkhu Bodhi’s translations are much clearer than both the older PTS translations and the vast majority of contemporary translations. And, judging from the Sujato translations I’ve seen, such as MN10, those are even more readable.

I suspect that some of the reservations about these new translations are not really about clear and simple sentences. I don’t see how a clearer sentence can ever be a negative! However, there are subtleties that the previous translations highlighted via footnotes. Bhante Sujato has argued compellingly that he wants to create texts that can be read by newcomers without footnotes. Since the Bodhi/Nanamoli/Walshe translations are available with copious footnotes, and the on-line versions will allow rapid comparison with the Pali texts, this seems like a good call.

I understand that there will be short essays on key technical terms, and cover most of these issues:

Apart from discussion about technical translation issues, one of the purposes of footnotes in the PTS/Wisdom translations is to point out where certain issues, or people, are discussed elsewhere in the Tipitaka. I presume that some of that will become almost automatic with the new on-line system, and concordances could be rapidly developed.