Thai Tripitaka Mahamakut Edition

So I found a Tipitaka in the Thai script here, but I am unsure whether this is a translation or this is Pali in Thai script. I’d be glad if anybody could help me.


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From what I can tell… clicking on two random pdfs, it is a Thai translation. My Thai is rusty, but I am catching a lot of Thai words.


Yes, indeed it is a Thai translation of the Tripitaka.
Thanks for sharing @arkaprava


Hi, I found another link here, could you please confirm whether this is the Pali in Thai Script or not ?

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It’s a Thai translation as well. :anjal:


The easy way to tell is to look for the vowel markers above. If you see any of these: ่้็๋๊ืึ then it’s definitely not Pāli. Hope that helps!

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