Thank you for your service Gillian

After a long 3.5 years as a moderator, @Gillian has finally handed in her badge. :pray:t3::smiling_face_with_tear:

Compassionate, patient, eloquent, intelligent and absolutely dedicated to the forum, she was a pillar holding up the team with commonsense and kindness. Your contributions to running this forum have been immense.

Please take some time to share your appreciation of Gillianā€™s hard work to help keep our community running smoothly behind the scenes for so long.

Auntie G, you will be missed by the D&D staff, but regular users will no doubt be able to appreciate your contributions now that you have more free time. :cowboy_hat_face:

As you journey through life, (figuratively and literally at the moment :minibus:), may the blessings of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha keep you safe and help you along the Path.

And as you take up your Pali studies in earnest, here is a farewell gift from all of us as a reflection of the meritorious service you have done.

:pray:t3: :slightly_smiling_face: :heartpulse:

Iminā puƱƱa kammena
Mā me bāla samāgamo
Sataį¹ƒ samāgamo hotu
Yāva Nibbāna pattiyā


Those are beautiful words, Friend Ficus. :star_struck:. I thank you for them, as I do the gift. :pray:

Itā€™s not possible to thank enough the wise and compassionate sangha members who lead us here, or the moderators senior to me who guided me, or the many wise and good friends Iā€™ve made among the laity. Metta and good wishes to you all. :pray:

Why am I leaving? When I start travelling across Australia at the beginning of this year I took leave with the intention of returning to the Mod Sqad when I got home. But one learns as one travels, and what I have learned back in the normal world after two years of pandemic, is that this bag of aggregates has aged. The fingers take longer to hit the right keys, and the short term memory is shakier even than the legs. So it is retirement rather than resignation. Iā€™m not leaving the Forum, merely stepping back.

Lastly to the current Mod Squad: you are doing a wise and compassionate job. Thank you for your service. :pray:

Auntie G (!)



Thank you for helping to make my first few days and weeks here on D&D so welcoming. I am grateful for your kindness, your compassion, and for the dedication that you so clearly gave to the discussion forums and the community and its members at-large.

I delight that you are not leaving us, though I believe a small hole will be left behind as you step away from being a Mod.

Thank you for everything. With deep mettā.



Thank you for EVERYTHING :bouquet::bouquet::bouquet:

You will be missed. Enjoy your travels!


Safe travels Gillian and thankyou :anjal:


Thank You @Gillian. You have been very welcoming and helpful! I would like to thank you for all your efforts! Your comments have always been very insightful and a pleasure to read and ponder overā€¦ I hope you continue to post your thoughts and reflections on the forum.


Thank you so much for all your time and efforts, Gillian.
Enjoy the fruits of your good kamma; may you realise Nibbana sooner rather than later!


Dear Auntie G,

Thanks for your dedication and contributions to making this forum a place of peaceful discussion. :lotus:

Moreover, thanks for the training new Mods and for setting a great example. :rosette:

As some say here in Ireland (slightly edited):

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
the rains fall soft upon your fields,
and until we meet again,
may the Triple Gem hold you in the palm of their hand.

With Metta :lotus: :sunrise_over_mountains: :lotus:


Dear @Gillian

Congratulations :tada:

Sadhu Anumodana! for your dedicated and compassionate service :pray: :pray: :pray:

Iā€™m finding myself a bit lost for words - so many things to express :slight_smile: :revolving_hearts:

With such a wonderful team of Mods in place, you can retire from active duty with a light and happy heart. :slight_smile: :sparkling_heart:

Now let me pull up the comfortable arm-chair and get you a cup of teaā€¦ Time for the next phase :smiley: to sit back, let go, travel around the country and enjoyā€¦ :balloon: :relieved: :butterfly:

With much Metta and Mudita
:pray: :sparkling_heart: :sunflower: :dharmawheel: :balloon: :butterfly: :relieved:


Thank you, @Gillian for the wonderful support you have provided this forum - both as a Mod and as a warm, wise, wonderful presence on the board. I have truly valued my exchanges with you.

I wish the best in all your adventures. And look forward to continuing to see you as a participant on this board.



Gillian, youā€™ve been a wise, compassionate, and devoted voice in our little community. We are all richer for your presence and your time. Be happy, and thrive!


Thank you for all your contributions, it really has made for a friendlier community.
Best wishes with your travels


Thank you for all youā€™ve done Gillian. Safe travels!


Iā€™ve seen nothing but patience and kindness from Gillian, in fact Iā€™ve grown to expect your thoughtful contributions. Thank you Gillian.


Hatā€™s off for Gillian :heart:


thank you, Gillian! this forum is extremely well-moderated. itā€™s very safe and sane, for that reason (and for many others) ā€“ especially when I think of all of the others Iā€™ve crawled through.


Thanks Gillian. Hope to still see you around! :sun_with_face:


Woliwon (thanks in Penobscot) Gillian :pray:t4:


Thank you Gillian for everything youā€™ve done for this Forum! Your contributions to the framework within which it functions especially the efforts you put into training, guiding and providing resources for newbie mods have been invaluable. I shall always remember the times I spent working with you fondly!

:rose: :pray: :grinning:


I canā€™t thank you enough sis @Gillian :sob::sob: