Thanks button under a post


Is there a thanks button for a post or is it possible to add it? The purpose for example is to give thanks to people that have responded but which the user might not necessarily agree with the answer. Using the like button feels like implying agreement.

The program we are using for this forum is not made by us and such a function is not part of Discourse’s toolbox, so if you have suggestions for extra buttons, you have to post such suggestions on

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I use the like button for this purpose.


Do you like it or are you thanking me?


Good reply @Aminah


There is a plugin that can be used for that

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Thanks for finding this! But this seems to be something from another source than the official Discourse developers and about 2 years old, so I’m not sure if we would want to go there. @sujato?

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Yes, it is a plug-in. But the latest change to the source code is 1 month ago, so it is quite updated.

I doubt if we will get this from discourse itself based on the developer point of view

In a subjective environment, one should be prepared to explain their disagreement further than a simple flag. If you disagree with a statement, you should be forced to reply and post it in text, or not say anything at all.
Like, dislike or ambivalent - #2 by sam - feature - Discourse Meta

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Thanks for finding the plugin, but I’m afraid we won’t be using it. Plugins have a way of complicating things and breaking over time, and any plugin we add would need to have a much more clear and specific benefit.

The “Like” button is meant for this generic use, simply to express a positive response of any sort. It doesn’t imply agreement or anything specific, merely indicating a positive quality to a post. I would encourage people to use “Like” as much as possible. Basically any post that is written in reasonably correct grammar and spelling, which is on topic, polite, and says something of substance, deserves a “like”.

If you don’t want to use “Like” button for whatever reason in a particular instance, just make a reply and use real words or our lovely emojis! :wink: :+1: :-1::hammer: :blush:


Thank you, using the Like button is fine.