The Aspect of No-Change

Simply because from our point of view, you misinterpret the suttas, maybe due to your previous wrong views. I don’t think you can emotionally persuade us with such words as above. It’s best to stick to sutta citations instead of what you feel, as whatever you feel, it does make it necessary that your view is the right one.

You already know that we do not deny this, but we interpret this differently. Don’t just accuse of the strawman’s fallacy. I could very well put it this way: why @green is so resistant to the notion that total cessation, nothing after parinibbāna is the only unconditioned? Because your sense of self does not allow you to accept this truth.

Read SN15.1-20.

I understand that it’s a Brahminical viewpoint to think that we are all just waves on the ocean, ultimately the same oneness, mind. That’s just the subjective feeling of immersion in Dhammakāya (or something else) and wrong view.

A simple search already revealed that your view is basically the same as Advaita Vedanta.

One has to reflect on this then: DN16

“Subhadda, in whatever teaching and training the noble eightfold path is not found, there is no ascetic found, no second ascetic, no third ascetic, and no fourth ascetic. In whatever teaching and training the noble eightfold path is found, there is an ascetic found, a second ascetic, a third ascetic, and a fourth ascetic. In this teaching and training the noble eightfold path is found. Only here is there an ascetic, here a second ascetic, here a third ascetic, and here a fourth ascetic. Other sects are empty of ascetics.

Were these mendicants to practice well, the world would not be empty of perfected ones.

I was twenty-nine years of age, Subaddha,
when I went forth to discover what is skillful.
It’s been over fifty years
since I went forth.
Teacher of the references
for the systematic teaching:
outside of here there is no ascetic,

no second ascetic, no third ascetic, and no fourth ascetic. Other sects are empty of ascetics. Were these mendicants to practice well, the world would not be empty of perfected ones.”

Advaita Vedanta is clearly not the Buddha’s dhamma. If this is r/Buddhism, the whole mass of people would ask you not to misrepresent the Dhamma already.

How did it comes into your mind? Likely it’s that in ancient India, Buddhism absorped some of these ideas and formed the Mahāyāna, then it spread to Tibetan and you had prior experience with Tibetan Buddhism and that still colours your perception of what the dhamma is. Time to purify that view to become right view.