The Consciousness of Nibbana

Are you claiming this refers to a consciousness outside of the six senses? If so it seems you have lost sight of the context, no offense. This sutta is about dependently originated consciousness and how it comes to cease. Just one example:

"Where consciousness is not established and doesn’t grow, name and form are not conceived. "

This refers to the link between consciousness and nāmarūpa in dependent arising. Particularly, it refers to the cessation of these factors.

Just read the sutta as a whole rather than just this simile of the light beam, and then also place it in the wider context of SN12 to which it belongs. Particularly SN12.2 which defines consciousness in this context as the six types of consciousness. Then it should be clear that no consciousness outside of the six senses is ever implied here.

Edit: sorry the threat is going a bit fast. I didn’t see that @1hullofaguy already made the same points.

Yes, and each time it refers to dependently originated consciousness. It not establishing and not growing means it will cease because it has no object. (I take this “not establishing” to refer to it not being reborn, see here. But however we exactly interpret it doesn’t really matter, because it definitely doesn’t refer to a consciousness outside of the six senses.)