The experience of "Anatta"

Who said otherwise? This is a straw man argument. In a number of prior posts I, and others, have explicitly said that the Buddha and arahants still remained conscious, experiencing the senses and contact – but without any clinging, delusion, or identification with the khandhas.

But that’s different from claiming – as you appear to be doing – that there is a kind of permanent awareness, outside of time and space, beyond conditional consciousness.
You cited " a consciousness that does not land anywhere" – this points to the non-clinging consciousness of an arahant, that no longer clings to the khandhas and will not land into another rebirth.
Best to read the suttas and the contexts in which this example is used and:

Citations, please.

Rather, in MN43:
"“Feeling, perception, and consciousness—these things are mixed, not separate. And you can never completely dissect them so as to describe the difference between them. For you perceive what you feel, and you cognize what you perceive. That’s why these things are mixed, not separate. And you can never completely dissect them so as to describe the difference between them.”

Or in MN38 “…Haven’t I said in many ways that consciousness is dependently originated, since consciousness does not arise without a cause?”

The undefiled mind of an arahant is conscious through the consciousness aggregate that is still present while the arahant is alive.
If you can show with citations where the Buddha clearly differentiated consciousness from awareness outside time and space, etc. please share them.