The experience of "Anatta"

Thanks for your reply and thanks for citing from a sutta.

With respect to Ud8.1, it can refer to final nibbāna – nibbāna without residue as in Iti44.
If everything has ceased and nirodha-ized, how can there be any sun, moon, stars…etc?

Notice also, that no mention is made of some kind of eternal, ineffable, consciousness or beingness in the very quote you posted.
It can just refer to the cessation of all conditional things/appearances.

Again, nothing posted in this proves or even indicates any teachings from the Buddha about a consciousness that’s permanent.
In fact, in your example, with consciousness being dependent on the other khandhas (body and mind), it has to be conditional – even if it’s subconscious.

When the mind is liberated and utterly free of all defilements then it’s free here and now while an arahant is alive in the sense of being free of all dukkha, except for the khandhas which still remain. Nibbāna with residue.

Also, the final nibbāna of extinguishment is, as the Buddha says, the highest “bliss”, (AN9.34, MN43, MN44, SN36.11, and MN59 - "…and even while alive: when a mendicant, going totally beyond the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, enters and remains in the cessation of perception and feeling. This is a pleasure that is finer than that.
*Idhānanda, bhikkhu sabbaso nevasañ­ñā­nāsa­ñ­ñāya­tanaṁ samatikkamma saññā­ve­dayi­tani­r­odhaṁupasampajja viharati. Idaṁ kho, ānanda, etamhā sukhā aññaṁ sukhaṁ abhikkantatarañca paṇītatarañca.
By definition, saññā­ve­dayi­tani­r­odha, is without consciousness.

At the same time, there’s the knowing that with death and the final ending of the khandhas, there will be no rebirth and no re-arising of sun, moon, stars,…etc. → The final ending of all conditions and all dukkha. Nibbāna without residue.

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Thanks and: Santi

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