The experience of "Anatta"

One can deal with it in certain ways, right? For example, it is not that if anger arises one must become angry and speak and act angry.

Yes, but we are also in a situation that different experts on Pali translate Pali words differently. Apparantly they feel this need to re-translate sutta’s again and again. That is also making things complex because the flavour or even the content of a text can change. Sometimes i am really amazed how translations can really give a very different flavour and also meaning to the same text. It can be really challenging.

What i can see is that vinnana has different meanings. Most of the time it refers to much more then only a bare awareness of something, a mere sense moment. Most of the time it refers to an awareness with longings, emotions loaden. Based upon a defiled sense contact. The result of it is called a kamma vinnana and its nature is very different from a sense-vinnana which is a vipaka vinnana.

So, even a world like ‘vinnana’ can have very different meanings. Vinnana often refers to much more then a bare awareness of a sense-object. Most of the time its meaning is very close to having developed a certain mentallity towards a sense-object But mentallity towards a sense-object is in fact quit different from a bare awareness of the sense-object.

Nice. If the proces of conceiving stops, (and Buddha says that conceiving must be seen as a sickness) can there be objectivation/thingness?
Does this align with what you mean?

Yes, this is what I mean. There are a number of references in the suttas that indicate this.
Contemporary descriptions I have come upon are: ‘no thingness’, ‘There are no edges’, ‘I see everything at once’.
There is a nice description from Chan Buddhism:

The Buddha Mind stays calm and still,
Keep your mind within it and nothing can disturb you.
The harmless and the harmful cease to exist.
Subjects when disengaged from their objects vanish
Just as surely as objects,
when disengaged from their subjects, vanish too.
Each depends on the existence of the other.

If this doesn’t remind one of anything in the EBT’s try this:
Subjects (consciousness influenced by ignorance resulting in the sense ‘I am’)
engaged with (bound up with)
objects (name and form)

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Thanks for sharing.
imo, philosophical speculations and opinions are fine.
I’m just less interested in pursuing them here so I’ll respectfully bow out of this thread.

Wishing you all the best and:
Santi :pray:

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