The Four Noble Truths - Architecture/Meta-Structure of the Dhamma

I guess we could equally say “what is suffering”. I’m not sure either is really justified, the important thing imo is that it should be fully understood (pariññeyyaṃ) and how this point relates to the other 3.

An interesting point, taṇhā ponobhavika “the craving leading to rebirth” or as you put it “leading to becoming”. Does this necessarily mean that is a kind of craving or that all craving (kāma, bhava, vibhava) leads to rebirth? Canda is the more neutral term that can include the positive desire for liberation from suffering/rebirth, taṇhā afaik is always used in a negative sense.

I don’t mean to elicit a subject/object relation but rather a time relation — i.e. presently grasping and grasped at for a future (both for the subjective sense of self). Translation seems really hard, and some words/concepts in particular seem infernally hard to translate. For instance, khanda, is it a heap, an aggregate, a bundle? Bhikkhu Sujato has a post on grasping here and here and probably elsewhere.

Yes, but also very very commonly as rebirth. Ven’s Brahmali and Sujato have made this point clear.

Saṇkhara is another very difficult word. I’m not sure either translation is truly satisfactory.

Experiencing or seeing/understanding for what it is?