The Untapped Potential of the Jātakas

lol! Have an :peach: as a reward!

Wishing to address this quite briefly out of respect to the OP, yes, of course, mine is just second-hand account. To memory, I believe I’ve heard this idea in at least a couple of talks a long the way, but there’s absolutely no hope that I’d be able to track down which ones.

Consulting my “go to” on these matters, Venerables Sujato and Brahmali’s The Authenticity of the Early Buddhist Texts, it suggests that actually some are likely to pre-date the Buddha while others are likely to originate some time after. Also, more recently Ven. Vimala’s research looking at average word length in the canon could possibly offer supporting evidence, and at the very least the paper given in the linked post may help to find more info on the point.

:laughing: Well, if it helps to lead out of samsara than hoorah! In a similar vein to Tony’s comment above, so long as whatever one finds connects well for them is aligned with the Dhamma, it is a magnificent thing.

I have to admit I can’t really imagine that I’d have any useful contribution to make, as mentioned, I haven’t really looked at this collection a great deal and I think it’s at least a couple of years since I read just one of them. That said, of course, I’d be fascinated to follow any such thread. :pray: