The value of MN117 and its serial Noble Tenfold Path

Exactly which words do you think requiring “cleaning”? Thanks

For example, the term “without asava” does not necessarily mean the destruction of the asava.

Bhikkhu Analayo seems to often give this impression in his work of equating ‘without or liberation from asava’ with ‘destruction of asava’, such as currently posted by @Christopher about Satipatthana, at this link.

As for at least one Chinese version, it does not make sense to me because it only includes mundane dhammas but claims these mundane dhammas can reach the supramundane Nibbana.

I recall reading the Chinese versions and none of them are a complete & proper discourse of Buddha-Dhamma to me. They were mere lists of generalistions.

MN 117 appears to have a specific purpose of distinguishing between mundane & supramundane practises and censures those who try to debunk it as having wrong view.


Therefore, to ask again, exactly which words do you think requiring “cleaning”?

Thanks. :deciduous_tree: