The whole of the Path in 2 sentences or less - Sutta quotes

Snp 3.12 Dvayatanupassanasutta - Observation of dualities

The unattached one wavers not,
But the one attached, clinging on,
Does not get beyond Samsara,
Which is an alteration between a this-ness and an otherwise-ness.

Knowing this peril,
The great danger, in attachments or supports;
Let the Monk fare along mindfully,
Resting on nothing, clinging to nothing.

Translation by Bhikkhu K Nanananda

“Anissito na calati,
Nissito ca upādiyaṁ;
Saṁsāraṁ nātivattati.

Etamādīnavaṁ ñatvā,
Nissayesu mahabbhayaṁ;
Anissito anupādāno,
Sato bhikkhu paribbajeti.

Translation by Bhante Sujato in the link

It is a lovely sutta, giving a different slant on dependent arising, and this is just a little gem from it :pray: :slight_smile:

Happy Thursday :sunflower: