"There are no mother and father?" "There is nothing given?" A suggestion

I usually see these 10 as basis for wholesome actions.

  1. Basis for generosity.
  2. Basis for kamma, which underlies most Buddhist morality.
  3. Basis for rebirth.
  4. Basis for filial piety. This is not trivial, there’s a lot of people nowadays who has the view that children do not owe their parents anything because it’s the parents who chooses to bring the children into this world.
  5. Basis for rebirth, and different realms of existence other than animal and humans.
  6. Basis for the possibility of experimental verification, or testimony of others if one is not one of those recluses and brahmins who has divine eye. Thus, this makes kamma and rebirth not part of speculative metaphysics which is never able to be verified by any means.

Comparing say a devoted Christian vs a secular, materialist atheist influenced by selfish gene philosophy on their morality and views, the Christian would have more ticks on the mundane right view list.