Translation of SN22.100 Gaddula Sutta The Leash

Bhante @sujato

SN22.100 Gaddula Sutta The Leash (2)

Your translation:
Mendicants, have you seen the picture called ‘Conduct’?”
Diṭṭhaṃ vo, bhikkhave, caraṇaṃ nāma cittan”ti?

“Yes, sir.”
“Evaṃ, bhante”.

“That picture was elaborated by the mind, but the mind is even more elaborate than that.
“Tampi kho, bhikkhave, caraṇaṃ nāma cittaṃ citteneva cittitaṃ. Tenapi kho, bhikkhave, caraṇena cittena cittaññeva cittataraṃ.

Ven. Thannisaro Translation:

“Monks, have you ever seen a moving contraption?”

“Yes, lord.”

"That moving contraption was created by the mind. And this mind is even more variegated than a moving contraption.

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