Truly Exist, dependently exist, dependently ceased, truly not existing

I apologize if I misread your post to include this assumption. Glad we’re on the same page now.

The word ‘ultimately’ makes me think you are saying that either kamma or dukkha has substantial existence. You probably didn’t intend that, but these words to me signify something going on in the mind that drifts towards substantialist thinking. At least that is what I recognize in myself.

That’s true! A truth proposition is insubstantially true. For the god it is true that the liquid is ambrosia. For the human it is true that it is water. For the hungry ghost it is true that it is pus and blood. Truth is dependent and conditional and a convention. It has no substantial existence. Even mathematical truth is like this! It depends upon the axioms of the mathematical system which have to be assumed in order to arrive at truth. No mathematical system is capable of proving the truth of itself.

This relies upon the Law of the Excluded Middle to arrive at that paradox. The Law of the Excluded Middle is an assumption that does not need to be assumed.

You’re very welcome and again I apologize for misunderstanding you or misreading you. If you want to talk about this further I’d be happy to, but like you said we should find a dedicated thread I guess.
