Truly Exist, dependently exist, dependently ceased, truly not existing

Sounds to me that the aggregates cannot be destroyed is akin to putting them into 1. And just the perception that they are not 1 is removed.

So your framework is that the 5 aggregates, starting from 2, goes into 1 or maybe 5 which is basically the same, just that 5 denies that it is a self, despite being permanent and existing. So any apparent death of arahants is just 2 finally disappearing and they all goes into 5. Never changing, but still can go to other worlds to teach? Totally contradictory already.

Only 2 has the characteristics of change by switching to 3 and 2 back and forth. Only in change can we say arahants can teach.

After dependent cessation link of ignorance, craving, clinging ends at arahanthood, the consciousness and name and form mutually support each other for the arahant to not go poof disappear after enlightenment while alive. This mutual support only ends at death. After which there being no other links in dependent origination anymore, no causes, all dependent cessation links happens and no more process to cease. The end.

To posit there’s an arahant which can leave the physical body is to posit a soul. There being no more mind or matter. Arahants have ended rebirth. If there’s another existence or something after parinibbāna for the arahant, it’s yet another rebirth and that just means that being is not an arahant.

No idea what this is about. No soul to speak of for Buddhas and arahants to leave their body, no mind also.

I think it’s explained by the 2 step process of how dependent cessation happens. Also you didn’t say what are the 3 acquisition of self.

Explained by the 2 step dependent cessation as above.

Oh do you mean -self to be no self?

There’s never been any self. So no self is not acquired. It’s realized.

After death of arahants, 2 goes to 3, and doesn’t arise ever again.

I think you’re asking confusing questions because you refuse to acknowledge that there’s a difference between nibbāna with remainder with Nibbāna without remainder. The remainder is the 5 aggregates for the arahant while still alive. That remainder is dukkha (but dukka without mental suffering). You don’t accept this despite so many people telling you so, in here and in other forum. If you wish to debate this, please make another new topic for it. Your conception of dukkha is always with mental suffering, so you’re stuck there until you’re willing to see beyond this.

AN4.173, 6 sense contact ceases without anything leftover.

I disagree. This is sloppy language. Not self is always been the case. What you mean to cease is the delusion of self (ignorance, conceit, self view). All of them are also not self. Not self is the basic character of all dhammas, it is not a resultant of anything.

I already put into the 4 framework out there, so if you really still insist on saying I means 1 and 4 when I say 2 and 3, that is on you.

The form is left as a corpse, unless you wish to identify the relics itself is still the arahant remaining, then you should agree that there’s no form left for the arahant. As the relics is also impermanent, but parinibbāna is not impermanent, we couldn’t identify the relics as the arahant himself.

The mind is not subjected to mass energy conservation law, or else you’re just pulling in physicalism onto the mind. The mind completely ceases at parinibbāna. 2 to become 3. And never arises again. Impossible to arise again. No causes to arise again. So it might as well be 4.

@yeshe.tenley this is an example of real disagreement.