Tts option

Thank you for making aware of your development. It is so great that various approaches for text to speech are popping up lately!

The SC-Voice interface has been developed especially to serve the needs of blind and visually impaired users; each supported Sutta on the SC main site has a link to the respective Voice page on its Suttaplex card, so users can choose whether they prefer to read or to listen. SC-Voice is an independent development, but is integrated into the main site to this degree right now and might be more in the future.

SC-Voice uses voices from AWS Polly with some adjustments for pronunciation errors. There is one voice for Pali (Aditi) and three for English (Amy, Raveena, and Russell, each with a different speed).

You can download any Sutta or Sutta playlist from Voice as MP3 with the voice of your choice, either Pali, English, or both languages segment by segment.

So far each of SC-Voice’s voices have their friends, and I am pretty sure your version will also find those who like it! Sadhu for your work! :anjal:

For the latest developments of SC-Voice check here.