V&V in Sphuṭārthā Abhidharmakośavyākhyā

No need for anyone to apologise. It is confusing finding one’s way around here at first.

When I read some of the ‘high end’ discussion on this site I started wondering if I was a bad meditator. Then I remembered the word path. The best way to stay on a difficult path is to put one’s foot right in front of where one is standing atm. That is the only skilful thing to do; staring at the acrobatic antics of people further up the mountain might even be a little dangerous.

I didn’t split the thread: it doesn’t seem necessary, and I couldn’t push the right button anyway. :wink: One of us might start a new thread in the Discussion category, if we’re interested in discussing experiential ramifications further. … I’m off to read MN44 and see what it says about immersion.