Vedana. What is pleasure in Buddhism? Having some doubts with the teachings on vedana after re-reading Plato

Here’s the EBT concerned.

Whatever is experienced physically or mentally as pleasant & gratifying is pleasant feeling. Whatever is experienced physically or mentally as painful & hurting is painful feeling. Whatever is experienced physically or mentally as neither gratifying nor hurting is neither-pleasant-nor-painful feeling."

“In what way is pleasant feeling pleasant, lady, and in what way painful?”

“Pleasant feeling is pleasant in remaining, & painful in changing, friend Visakha. Painful feeling is painful in remaining & pleasant in changing. Neither-pleasant-nor-painful feeling is pleasant in occurring together with knowledge, and painful in occurring without knowledge.”

“What obsession gets obsessed with pleasant feeling? What obsession gets obsessed with painful feeling? What obsession gets obsessed with neither-pleasant-nor-painful feeling?”

“Passion-obsession gets obsessed with pleasant feeling. Resistance-obsession gets obsessed with painful feeling. Ignorance-obsession gets obsessed with neither-pleasant-nor-painful feeling.” Culavedalla Sutta: The Shorter Set of Questions-and-Answers

Here I believe it simply means ‘it’s good for painful feelings to end, and bad for pleasant feelings to end’.

Ajhan Brahmavanso teachings on ‘Multiple feelings sutta’:

I think it’s possible to understand this with application of common sense, apart from the deeper cessation of feeling, and perception.