Voice - compiling audio files

In Voice, I’m not sure why the Ittivutaka is not working the same as the first four Nikayas. If I enter iti1-25 or iti50-90, it only pulls 1 sutta. I thought it had something to do with the fact that no decimals are used, such as sn1.1-50. Putting 'iti1,iti2,iti3’etc does work, but that would be a pain royale for 112 suttas. Mn and Dn work fine though, so the lack of decimals probably isn’t the reason for the glitch. I didn’t have issues with the Udana.
Thanks for any ideas. 🧘‍♂:pray::man_bald:


It is true, I can confirm that “iti1-2” only returns Iti 1 in Voice. I think we have a bug, @karl_lew! :bug:

Thank you for reporting! :pray:

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Oh dear. The iti sutta are organized by vagga subfolder. This does not match the thig, sn or mn structure. It will take a while to fix this. Until then, please use expanded lists for iti. For example:


Thank you for letting us know that iti ranges do not expand properly into lists


They too are divided into Vaggas. Even the DN is divided into 3 Vaggas. But you wouldn’t want to build a playlist of DN 1-25, would you?

And the problem also occurs if I only want to have Iti 1-2, which are all within the same Vagga.

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I’m referring to the folder structure, not the Tipitaka structure. In SN, the vaggas are in sn1, sn2 folders, not “vagga” folders.

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Ah, I see. They are organized differently in the repository. But the Udana is organized just as the Iti is, and @NibbanaHunter didn’t have the same problem with the Udana.

Looking more closely, I see that in the Udana, the folder structure is reflected in the IDs—we have Ud 1.1, etc. And in the Iti it is not.

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