We cannot escape what is produced and conditioned?

It’s the other way around. Those who refuse to recognize that Nibbāna with remainder is not the same as Nibbāna without remainder, but posit that Nibbāna without remainder is the same as Nibbāna with remainder. What is that remains? 5 unclung to aggregates. But those who think that these 2 nibbāna are the same clearly do not have right view and thus are not even stream winners yet. So to them, the 5 aggregates are clung to.

What’s more comforting? To have the 5 aggregates still there, after the death of arahant. So there can be a very subtle part of the mind with self-delusion hidden somewhere there to identify with the 5 aggregates thinking that they are enlightened and doing great work to save sentient beings from suffering.

It is actually those who cannot admit or even consider that parinibbāna, nibbāna without remainder is total cessation, without anything leftover, who are very attached to the remainders (5 aggregates).