What did the Buddha mean by 'music'?

Sorry that was meant to be while walking. Edited the original now.

If by the same, you mean you have no awareness of sense input, then I am surprised you don’t fall over or fall into something.

Besides, giving motor commands and so on, it not a state of one-pointedness.

I believe the trouble is that you have experienced some sense of stilness, and then seem to believe that that stillnss is jhāna. And so when you feel that stillness while walking, you apparently believe you are in jhāna. I would suggest that your assumption may not be in accordance with what jhāna means in the EBT’s.

I’m not sure it’s useful for me to fill up this thread with this same conversation so I might leave it at that regarding your definition of jhāna - I don’t mean to be rude, just it’s taking too much time and I doubt it is useful to many people.