What did the Buddha mean by 'music'?

One would have this view that one doesn’t perceive anything in first jhana ,if you think jhana is a type of mystical oblivious experience, rather than an experience which involves a steady mindful discernment. *see MN111

"Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, he entered and remained in the first jhana, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while thinking and pondering.

_And he distinguished the phenomena in the first jhana one by one: thinking and pondering and rapture and bliss and unification of mind; contact, feeling, perception, intention, mind, enthusiasm, decision, energy, mindfulness, equanimity, and attention
_He knew those phenomena as they arose, as they remained, and as they went away. "

As you can see from the above, perception is discerned in first jhana and there is a clear awareness of what is occuring.
Also and again, the first jhana description does no have sitting as part of it.
So walking would be possible because ones Discernment is quite established.

Secluded or withdrawn from senses means that one is in a mental position that is not moved by what is perceived , rather than the senses being switched off, they are active but not in unwholesome ways because they are guarded and restrained by a mind which is withdrawn from unwholesome mind states.
If a person ‘emerges’ from seated meditation and believes that they were doing jhana because they cannot recall perceiving anything and feel refreshed, its more likely the case that they just had a good sleep.

Again, just because the majority says so doesn’t make it right,
For example, Ajahn Sujato, the example you have used, might be a great scholar, translator etc etc but he might not have understood the MEANING of the suttas.

Yes,its nice proposal. One can certainly do such things while in jhana,brahmavihara and with a mind liberated,according to the sutta.

I do not claim that everyone is wrong, but certainly most are.
One understanding of jhana is wrong from the start because that’s how the process works First you read about jhana then think about what it means and try it out. Now the chances that one has understood jhana at ones first attempt is pretty much zero.

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