What does Brahma carry in his hands in the Buddhist tradition?

According to BBC, Brahma in his hands is often depicted holding five objects:

a rosary - symbolising time
a water pot - showing the potential for creation
a sceptre in the form of a spoon - representing the pouring of holy oil during prayer, showing that Brahma is the lord of sacrifices
sacred texts (the Vedas) - showing that Brahma makes all knowledge possible
a lotus flower - to represent the lotus that Brahma evolved from
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z … sacrifices

However, in the Thai Buddhist tradition, it seems Brahma in his hands is holding more than five objects:

Is anyone able to identify what does Brahma carry in his hands in the Buddhist tradition?


The Thai style’s Brahma has eight hands:

I’ve got a good answer:
