What does this interface mean on Offline page?

One of our translators has a question about the offline download page.

Is the lack of period (or any other words) at the spot of the greeen arrow meant to imply that you should be choosing from the list below? If so, why does it not say “To change your lookup check one or more of the dictionaries below.”

The yellow text doesn’t make sense because it would seem to be definitive. From what I gather, the real meaning is

This will also allow you to select one or more lookup dictionaries below.

Can someone explain what is actually meant?

Bhante @Sujato or Ven. @sabbamitta or @HongDa ?


I am not sure, but perhaps this too refers to an earlier version of the interface?

I agree that this text makes no sense. With lang=de it says a Pali > German lookup tool is included, but as far as I know such a dictionary does not exist.

This language list may also need a review? On the SC website we don’t have a German lookup dictionary, and I doubt that it is available for download. No idea about the other languages.

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Just shaking the tree. Anyone else have an idea what is going on with this page?

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