What happens if we resuscitate an arahant?

Let’s say we have a confirmed arahant, who dies, which we resuscitate afterwards (probably a terrible and most evil kamma, but such is our thought exercise).

  1. Perhaps there’s just no way to resuscitate an arahant after death, no matter what you do to the body.

  2. Assuming the lifeforce returns to the body, what’s going on?

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Maybe Jesus was an Arahant. :thinking:

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If there are no attachments to life there should be no more conditions for life in that body. I’m thinking an arahant leaves the world immediately. For any other person there’s still doubt, craving, there’s still time for resuscitation: the condition that sustains life, the attachment to itself, is still binding. Think of one case as being lighter than light, arrival to the destination is instantaneous, while the other, still wishing for materiality, will have weight and can only travel so far before being brought back to it. It is “bound” to return.

As a complementary question we could also ask, if a non arahant has been reborn into a new body, can you resuscitate them back to their previous body?

As a guess, I would suggest that if we can resuscitate someone (anyone) then they haven’t died, or our definition of ‘died’ is wrong or at the very least our definition is incomplete. Thinking about it, the definition of death in the country I live in (it’s different in different countries) has changed probably 3 times since I was a child. Back then if you weren’t breathing, then you were dead, later we had heart stopping as a definition of death and later still there have been two different types of brain death. I wonder what it will be next? But really death isn’t an event, it’s a process (that starts at birth - the closer you are to completing death, the further away you are from birth). If you come back to the body, I guess the process hasn’t completed yet.